
Aurel Popp Arts


Updated at:: 2021-09-06

Aurel POPP was born in 1983 in Carei, a small town of Romania at the Nordthern border with Hungary. He studied at the University of Iasi, Management and Design in Textile Industry; he made his master Degree in Optimization of the processes. As a scholarship student in PHD at the University of Liberec, had a great influence on him. In Romania and internationally as well, Aurel is known for different types of painting that are a combination of wood, cement and colors. Despite his young age, he has made thousands of artworks on all of the surfaces available for painting.
The dramatic nature of his painting had a strong impact, he consider the 3D painting a windows or portal between the creative and real world. For him creation equal existence, he develop different artist skills by doing challenging projects that other artists did dare to do because of the complexity or the magnitude.
The most important source of inspiration for his earlier works where horses, he loved the anatomy of this animal so he draw them all day long. Looking stories of horses like the Spirit of the Stallion make him want even more the horse as a centerpiece of his work. As a young artist, he was using different project from plastic or from wood to make small statues of horses.
The horse was also the central piece of his design furniture line that he has started with his wife Csilla APACSI INTERIOR DESIGN.
